Though these bonuses don’t stack, as a city with both a Commercial Hub or Market and a Harbour or Lighthouse adds only one trading capacity, not two! Trade routes screen Each city with a Commercial Hub or Harbour ( from Rise and Fall Expansion) a Market or Lighthouse increases your civilisations trading capacity by one. Learning the Foreign Trade civic grants you a Trading Capacity of one, meaning that your empire can have one Trade Route at a time. Trading Capacity is the maximum number of Trade Routes you can have at the same time. If your competing for a wonder by sending a trader to that high production route, could make the difference to beat the player to that wonder.You’ll would want to exploit the tourism bonus from trading with that player or city state that has a high cultural income. If you are trying to win a cultural victory.Declaring war automatically cancels the trade route, and the trader will be back in the origin city it started from. This allows you to reinforce the army with new units faster. Send a trade route to them so you have a road leading to their cities. If you’re planning to declare war on a player.
#Civilization 6 strategy upgrade
If you need to fund a huge army, or are trying to upgrade outdated units, you should pick the route with the maximum gold.

You can see which city-states have quests by the small quote icon next to the city banner in the Make Trade Route screen. You can fulfill a city-state quest to Send a Trade Route, and earn an envoy with that city state.That means at the start of the game, most of the trade routes are decided based on where you want your roads. Trader routes are the only way to build roads in the early game.If you want to grow and develop a city, you will want to send a domestic trade with the highest food and production route to that city.You can make use of this to reach farther and farther in the world with your Traders! Trading Posts add 1 gold each to the route’s yield. They will effectively reset their range at the Trading Post. Future routes (both land and sea) that pass through these cities will have an extended reach. Once your trader arrives at the destination city a Trading Post is automatically constructed in the city and source city of every finished Trade Route. The Land route range for a Trader is 15 hexes while a sea route range is 30 hexes. To send a trader over sea on a trade route you need to have completed the Celestial Navigation in the Science tech tree. Once the trade route finishes, the trader will be back in the origin city, available to be sent out on another trade route. In the show Route box, the arrow with the number beside it shows many hexes the trade route will cross over on its route. Your trader will make the journey to the city and build the road while it travels. From there, you can select a destination you want to trade to and then click Begin Route. If you click that action, the Make Trade Route panel opens. Once you have built a trader and the trader is selected, you can see an action in the unit panel with the icon of a trade route (two arrows in a circle). Traders can start a route from the city they are currently in. Foreign Trade CivicĪfter researching the civic Foreign Trade, you gain the ability to create Traders. Trading routes and capacity are always displayed in the stats ribbon on the top of the screen, it’s the white circle with number beside it for traders. They boost Gold, Food, and Production among other yields, and will create roads when moving on land, and provide increased diplomatic visibility with other civilizations. For civilizations trading is an essential activity which provides multiple benefits. Trade Routes represent the trade activities of civilizations either between their own cities or with foreign civilizations. And how both theses components help your empire grow.Īll the other guides for Civilization 6 can be found in our Civilization 6 Beginners guides.
#Civilization 6 strategy series
This time in our series of Civilization 6 guides we’re going to have a look in more detail at trading, trade routes and amenities.