El concepto de lo "sublime" fue redescubierto durante el Renacimiento, y gozó de gran popularidad durante el Barroco, durante el siglo XVIII alemán e inglés y sobre todo durante el primer Romanticismo. The term especially refers to a greatness beyond all possibility of calculation, measurement, or imitation. Lo sublime es una categoría estética, derivada principalmente de la célebre obra Περὶ ὕψους del crítico o retórico griego Longino, y que consiste fundamentalmente en una "grandeza" o, por así decir, belleza extrema, capaz de llevar al espectador a un éxtasis más allá de su racionalidad, o incluso de provocar dolor por ser imposible de asimilar. In aesthetics, the sublime (from the Latin sublmis) is the quality of greatness, whether physical, moral, intellectual, metaphysical, aesthetic, spiritual, or artistic. The concept of the "sublime" was rediscovered during the Renaissance, and enjoyed great popularity during the Baroque, during the eighteenth century German and English and especially during the first Romanticism. It was a major topic of aesthetic theory in the 18th century, especially in England and Germany, but its inauguration as a topic was due to the translation by Nicolas Boileau (1636 1711) of Longinus’s third-century treatise Peri Hypsos (Of elevation) into French. Que realiza obras de gran calidad músico sublime pintor sublime. Que es noble u honrado emoción sublime acto sublime. The sublime is one of the main categories of classical aesthetics, characterizing a complex of non-utilitarian relations between the subject and the object, as a rule, of a contemplative nature, as a result of which the subject experiences a complex sense of admiration, delight, awe and simultaneously fear, horror, sacred. The sublime is a central category of aesthetics in romanticism. Que tiene una gran belleza o calidad obra sublime música sublime. The Oxford English Dictionary defines the sublime as Set or raised aloft, high up.

From A Poet’s Glossary The following definition of the term the sublime is reprinted from A Poets Glossary by Edward Hirsch.

Sublime The sublime is an aesthetic category, derived mainly from the celebrated work Περὶ ὕψους of the Greek critic or rhetorician Longinus, and which consists essentially of a "greatness" or, so to speak, extreme beauty, capable of taking the viewer to an ecstasy beyond Of their rationality, or even of causing pain because it is impossible to assimilate. The Sublime By NASRULLAH MAMBROL on Febru ( 2). The sublime is a moment or description of something deeply transcendent or awe-inspiring in a poem.